As promised here is an up close of the baskets I created for the recent Inspired By challenge here. My baskets were ordered from Pick Your Plum. The floor tiles in the inspiration photo is what made me think of these chicken wire baskets. An organization station is a great description from Laurel. These are hanging in a hallway where my kids pass by on their way to get ready for school. It also made a great area for me to organize mailing materials.
This basket houses a variety of empty envelopes. For the pen holder I recycled an older accessories container. I used one of the new chalkboard labels and chalk marker. I attached the holder with a clip to the outside of the basket. Now the pens are quickly within reach!
This basket holds an envelope of stamps and tags to indicate what day mail is due to go out in the mail box. It is simply decorated with a cute pennant banner!
The last basket has decorated file folders meant specifically for the kids school work and signed papers that are due. They are labeled Monday through Friday. Now my children can check the folder for that day before they head out the door to school.
I also decorated this little notebook. This will come in handy for additional notes or reminders that need to be pinned to the file.
Ahhh! It feels so good to get organized! Especially when it looks decorative and fun!
This is a darling idea~I love the notebook and pen holder too Amy!