New Year's Resolutions... Love them or hate them? I suppose it's a good opportunity to set new goals, why not begin at the start of a new year.
One of my smaller goals is to get out and walk at least 30 minutes everyday. I also decided I needed to take my slightly over weight beagle with me. It will be good for the both of us. Have you ever tried walking a hound dog though? She wants to sniff and track the entire walk. I figured if I walk the same path each day, she will realize it's familiar and will no longer need to stop along the way. When she walks good for me she will be rewarded back at home. {She stopped to taunt a great big Husky and Rottweiler the other day, which I found slightly amusing, so she still got her treat!}
Having some canning jars left over from Christmas crafts, I decided to make a little jar to keep her "cookies" in. It's much more stylish than the bags they come in. She also recognizes the sound of the lid spinning off already!

The jar and top of the lid are decorated in some older Cherry-O papers. The dog is from an old stamp called Puppy Love. The label is glued then held around the jar using some simple blush grosgrain ribbon.